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Chairman's Message

螢幕快照 2018-10-07 下午11.28.14.png

Chairman Yoon, Sukhun

Since 1985, Chairman Yoon has been preparing for the upcoming Asia pacific led-era. In order to activate exchanges between companies of different nations through promoting nongovernmental diplomacy, he laid foundation for the establishment of diplomatic relation with China by founding Asia-Pacific Economy & Culture Institute (APECI). And since then, he continues to maintain close ties with the top government officials in Central Asia including China, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Laos, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Myanmar, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan etc. In particular, he is very much interested in Africa's economic cooperation and growth.

Chairman's Message

Korea·China·Japan altogether take up 66% of GDP of the entire nations in the Asian continent, and 24% of the entire world’s GDP, these three countries exert the greatest influence over the world market. The three nations will make greater contribution to the world economy by maximizing each of their advantages, and will find the best ways to provide support for the economic development of the Middle East nations and developing nations including those nations in Africa.

Asia Economic Development Committee is an NGO that was created to become a guide well equipped with knowledge about local circumstances. Its goals are to provide a win-win opportunity to companies in Korea, China, and Japan by discovering new possibilities in different regions ranging from East Asia to Middle East, and Africa, and by actually searching for specific methods to make plans work. I assure that you will be able to experience a new form of economic community that is completely different from the existing ones.

Our committee has a structure well fitted to cover Asia, Middle East, and Africa regions as we are aiming to establish the committee that suits the digital era of 21st century. We have established the Korea-Iran,  Korea-Turkey, and Korea-Iraq Committee of Commerce and Industry as an affiliated committee of AEDC to comprehensively strengthen our ties with China, Japan, India, and Vietnam as well as with the nations in the Middle East region.


Particularly, we are searching for permanent and long-term aid plan rather than the one that is merely filled with one time or short-term support measures. We are jointly forming a cooperative body that consists of Korea, Japan, China, and Taiwan to efficiently carry out technical and capital investments. That is, the four countries jointly established a system in which selective technological cooperation or efficient investment in place in need of capital and technology is possible.


I will do my best until the day when economic justice between nations is realized, like the world we all dream of, like a river in which justice is flowing from high to low.


I hope to have any advice and guidance in the future.




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